A "Smarter Every Day" episode showing slow motion video of liquid drops rupturing under high acoustic pressure. The images were taken at speeds up to 20,000 frames per second.

One of MDI's acoustic levitators used in the program at the Argonne National Laboratory Advanced Photon Source.

A short review of one vision for glass research in space. This was made as part of the preparation for the NASA Decadal Survey of Biological and Physical Sciences.  All opinions expressed are those of the presenter/author.

New videos will be posted occassionally. Thanks for watching!

An interview with NASA about some current materials experiments that we are running in the International Space Station.

MDI is happy to introduce three new educational videos. These video were developed in collaboration with Rigel STEM Communications and three research scientists who use containerless processing methods in their work. Professor Scott McCormack at the University of California Davis, Professor Catherine Macris at Indiana University Indianapolis and Dr. Anthony Bellagamba at the University of Illinois, Chicago. These exciting videos are targeted at audiences who are keen to learn how containerless methods can be used to help understand the world around us and support the development of new products and capabilities needed for us to thrive.
